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So far twistadmin has created 155 blog entries.
12 07, 2015

BB&D Congratulates Garbshare for being selected as finalist for Most Promising Start-Ups at Startup VooDoo.

2015-07-12T13:36:44+00:00July 12th, 2015|News|

BB&D congratulates Garbshare for being selected as a finalist for Most Promising StartUp at Startup VooDoo and wishes the Garbshare team much continued success.  BB&D has represented Garbshare in all aspects of its formation and operations to-date, including entity selection, drafting and negotiation of its formation documents, preparation of investor materials, compliance with securities laws and employment matters. A Question & Answer session with BB&D partner and corporate attorney Robert Brandt was recently published in Techli Magazine regarding BB&D’s experience representing Garbshare and other startups which may be viewed at the following link:  http://techli.com/2015/06/startup-voodoo-qa-with-startup-attorney-rob-brandt/# .   Contact us for a Consultation Have a legal issue or question? We invite you to contact us today to talk with one of our [...]

24 02, 2015

BB&D Handles Merger of Missouri’s Two Oldest Physicians Professional Liability Insurance Mutual Companies

2015-02-24T12:52:47+00:00February 24th, 2015|News|

BB&D recently represented Missouri Professionals Mutual in its merger with Physicians Professional Indemnity Association to create MPM-PPIA, the largest mutual association in Missouri.  St. Louis members Kevin Fleming, Chris Bauman and Rob Brandt, together with associate Bridget Nave, handled all aspects of the transaction which closed in November 2014. Contact us for a Consultation Have a legal issue or question? We invite you to contact us today to talk with one of our knowledgeable attorneys. 314-863-1500 or info@bbdlc.com. Over the last two decades Blitz, Bardgett and Deutsch has earned a respected reputation in the legal community as a top-flight litigation, real estate and business transactional firm based in St. Louis, Missouri, 120 S. Central Ave., 63105, with offices in Jefferson City [...]

2 02, 2015

BB&D Welcomes Judge Glenn Norton

2015-02-02T09:25:19+00:00February 2nd, 2015|News|

BB&D has announced that Judge Glenn Norton, after 20 years as a trial and appellate court Judge, is now a member of the firm.  Glenn will concentrate his practice in complex litigation as well as mediation, arbitration and special master appointments. Before taking the bench, he practiced law in the firm of Briscoe and Norton in New London, Missouri.  They represented numerous banks, loan companies, a hospital and many other business interests.  They prosecuted and defended numerous tort cases, many of which were tried to verdict before a jury.  Glenn served as a trial judge for 6 years in Ralls County, presiding over dozens of jury trials and hundreds of bench trials.  In 2001, he accepted a [...]

12 01, 2015

Bob Blitz and Task Force Unveil Plan for New St. Louis NFL Stadium

2015-01-12T13:18:36+00:00January 12th, 2015|News|

The St. Louis region turned its focus to BB&D member Bob Blitz and former Anheuser-Busch executive David Peacock as they unveiled plans for a new St. Louis NFL stadium.  Below is a link to the statement Governor Jay Nixon released after being briefed by Blitz and Peacock.  http://governor.mo.gov/news/archive/gov-nixon-statement-regarding-task-force%E2%80%99s-nfl-stadium-proposal   Contact us for a Consultation Have a legal issue or question? We invite you to contact us today to talk with one of our knowledgeable attorneys. 314-863-1500 or info@bbdlc.com. Over the last two decades Blitz, Bardgett and Deutsch has earned a respected reputation in the legal community as a top-flight litigation, real estate and business transactional firm based in St. Louis, Missouri, 120 S. Central Ave., 63105, with offices in Jefferson City and Columbia. [...]

19 11, 2014

Bob Blitz Named to Serve as Vice Chair of the St. Louis County Executive Transition Team

2014-11-19T07:23:50+00:00November 19th, 2014|News|

St. Louis County Executive-Elect Steve Stenger named BB&D member Bob Blitz to serve as Vice Chair of the 19-member transition team that is considering key administrative actions leading up to the change in St. Louis County governmental administrations on Thursday, January 1, 2015.   Contact us for a Consultation Have a legal issue or question? We invite you to contact us today to talk with one of our knowledgeable attorneys. 314-863-1500 or info@bbdlc.com. Over the last two decades Blitz, Bardgett and Deutsch has earned a respected reputation in the legal community as a top-flight litigation, real estate and business transactional firm based in St. Louis, Missouri, 120 S. Central Ave., 63105, with offices in Jefferson City and Columbia. BBD’s team of seasoned attorneys [...]

5 11, 2014

Bob Blitz Tapped by Gov. Nixon to Analyze Options for Keeping NFL in St. Louis

2014-11-05T13:14:13+00:00November 5th, 2014|News|

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon announced that he has asked BB&D member Bob Blitz and former president of Anheuser-Busch David Peacock to conduct an analysis of the current situation regarding the St. Louis Rams and provide a briefing to the Governor on options to ensure that St. Louis remains an NFL city for years to come.  The Governor made the announcement in a conference call with reporters.  For more information, click the following link to be taken to a press release issued by the Governor’s office regarding the announcement:  https://governor.mo.gov/news/archive/gov-nixon-names-former-anheuser-busch-president-dave-peacock-and-attorney-bob-blitz   Contact us for a Consultation Have a legal issue or question? We invite you to contact us today to talk with one of our knowledgeable attorneys. 314-863-1500 [...]

27 10, 2014

BB&D Handles Land Purchase and Construction Financing of $25MM Spec Distribution Center in Gateway Commerce Center

2014-10-27T15:59:47+00:00October 27th, 2014|News|

BB&D recently represented a developer client in the purchase and financing of a contemplated $25MM speculative distribution center in the Gateway Commerce Center in Pontoon Beach, Illinois.  The Class A modern bulk building will initially contain over 650,000 square feet with expansion capabilities to more than 1.3 million square feet.  This is the first large “spec” industrial building to be built in the St. Louis area since 2007 and is scheduled for completion in 2015.  St. Louis member Kevin Fleming handled all aspects of the transaction which closed in July 2014.   Contact us for a Consultation Have a legal issue or question? We invite you to contact us today to talk with one of our knowledgeable [...]

13 10, 2014

St. Louis law Firm BB&D Obtains $2.8 Million Judgment, Including $1.5 Million in Punitive Damages

2014-10-13T13:56:11+00:00October 13th, 2014|News|

Blitz, Bargett & Deustch successfully represented three local business investment companies in bringing a successful lawsuit to recover payment on three outstanding business loans. The lawsuit involved proving that Defendants had fraudulently conveyed personal assets to various business accounts and trusts to avoid payment on the loans.  Judgment was entered on October 3, 2014, awarding Plaintiffs $2.8 million dollars on their underlying loans, including punitive damages assessed against Defendants, as well as the invalidation of two of Defendants’ fraudulent trusts. The Court also awarded BB&D’s clients all of their attorneys’ fees. The judgment found in favor of Plaintiffs on all counts, including a counterclaim brought against Plaintiff for slander of title.   Contact us for a Consultation Have [...]

9 10, 2014

St. Louis Law Firm BB&D Attorneys Named to Missouri/Kansas Super Lawyers Lists

2014-10-09T14:23:54+00:00October 9th, 2014|News|

BB&D attorney, Robert Blitz, was selected for inclusion in the 2014 edition of Missouri/Kansas Super Lawyers, as well as named to the "St. Louis Top 50".  In addition, Christopher Bauman was recognized as one of Super Lawyers' "Rising Stars". Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and personal achievement.  The annual selections are made using a rigorous multi-phased process that includes a statewide survey of lawyers, an independent research evaluation of candidates, and peer reviews by practice area. No more than 5 percent of lawyers are selected for inclusion in Super Lawyers, and no more than 2.5 percent of the lawyers are selected for inclusion on the Rising Stars [...]

19 08, 2014

St. Louis Attorneys Robert Blitz and James Deutsch selected as Best Lawyers in America 2015

2014-08-19T10:21:46+00:00August 19th, 2014|News|

Robert Blitz has once again been named as one of the Best Lawyers in America for his expertise in Commercial Litigation.  In addition, James Deutsch has also again been named as a Best Lawyer in America for his Gaming Law expertise. Contact us for a Consultation Have a legal issue or question? We invite you to contact us today to talk with one of our knowledgeable attorneys. 314-863-1500 or info@bbdlc.com. Over the last two decades Blitz, Bardgett and Deutsch has earned a respected reputation in the legal community as a top-flight litigation, real estate and business transactional firm based in St. Louis, Missouri, 120 S. Central Ave., 63105, with offices in Jefferson City and Columbia. BBD’s team of seasoned attorneys [...]